Now-a-days, barcodes are found any where, because there are various types of products, as a result many barcodes have to be used. Automate data collection is the main reason to use barcodes. Each barcode has some amount of information about products which is needed, and that information is needed to decode. Different types of device are used to read these barcodes.
There are many types of barcode labels, such as linear symbologies and stacked and matrix symbologies, composite symbologies, etc.
Linear barcode symbologies: They are most familiar and this is the most used barcode format. They have a series of parallel lines and spaces of changing width. More than 100 types of this particular type of barcode are there, 20 of them are accepted world wide. Codabar, code 39, code 128, EAN, Telepen and UPC are some of them.
Matrix symbologies: If there is a need to encode more information into much smaller spaces then it leads to creation of the stacked and matrix barcode symbologies. Aztec code, code 16k, code 49, Maxi code, super code and USS code are examples of matrix symbologies.
Composite symbologies: Composite symbologies are combinations of one dimensional and two dimensional symbologies. Composite code C, GS1 and MicroPDF417 are examples of composite bar code labels.
These are the types of labels, which can be used on different types of products. Every barcode has some information, which can be read by a type of product to know about the product. They are cost effective and as well as useful.