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April 16, 2015

Bitewing X Rays in Dental Diagnosis And Treatments

Filed under: 2014 — Tags: — Ralph C Dreher @ 1:27 AM

Bitewing radiography furnishes images of the crown, the top and bottom part of teeth on a single film. The photographic films that are used in this procedure give detailed information about the changes occurring by dental diseases. Bitewing radiography is usually done in a series of 4 films, which are placed on both sides of the mouth, thus examining the structures from the eye teeth, canines, etc.

As they show the crown of the tooth, bitewing X-rays are extremely helpful in determining tooth decay located in between teeth, various stages of gum disease and problems with tooth. Bitewings are also helpful for detecting a buildup of dental tartar and also bone loss due to periodontal disease. It is a quick and painless process, and the output is usually ready for the dentist to view within just a few minutes.

Steps followed while doing a dental checkup using bitewing X rays

  • The patient is allowed to seat in an upright position in the dental chair.
  • Patient is covered with a apron and thyroid collar.
  • A film is placed into the patient’s mouth using a holding device. It is important that the patient closes his or her teeth completely in their natural bite. The film has the shape of letter T, and is placed in the interior side of the jaw.
  • Once the film is in position, the operator directs the X-ray unit towards the film.
  • After directing the X-ray the film from the patient’s mouth is removed. This procedure may be repeated for different areas of the mouth as required.
  • Once the series of bitewing radiographs have been completed the films are sent for processing.
  • The films are assessed to determine whether all areas can be visualized adequately and are sent for final documentation.


  • Dose of radiation is kept as low as possible in order to maximize diagnostic value and minimizing risk.
  • Bitewing radiographs provide the dental professionals with important information that is important in the diagnosis and treatment planning for patients.

Safety precautions to be followed while using bitewing radiographs

  • Low amount of radiation is used in this bitewing radiographs.
  • Due to the usage of low amount of radiation there are no side effects.
  • Patients should always be covered with a apron and no one else should be there in the room because the X rays are harmful.

Bitewing X-rays are an essential part of any dental care program. It is highly usefull in the diagnosis of tooth decay, periodontal diseases and gum diseases. These are widely used X-rays used comapred to other X-rays which are available.

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