Sosoliso airlines flight 1145 and Chanchangi airlines flights were the two Nigerian flights which crashed within a period of seven weeks in Nigeria. It is an alarming wake up call to Nigerian nation’s airline industry.
Sosoliso airlines flight 1145 was a scheduled flight for Nigerian cites. On 10th December 2005, it crash-landed on the runway of Port Harcourt International Airport. This crash killed 110 passengers. The cause of crash was unconfirmed but it was believed that thunderstorm was the major reason behind this crash. A ground man who witnessed this accident stated that plane was struck by lightning about 40 or 50 meters before touchdown.
Another flight that crashed was Chanchangi airlines flight. On 15th July 2005, a Boeing 737-200 of Chanchangi airlines had over shot the runway of Harourt airport. It didn’t report any serious loss. As per the airport authority, this crash was overshot because of the rain had made the runway slippery.
This all shows the poor safety in Nigerian aviation. As per analyst report, corruption is the major cause for this type of incidents.