The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) was an Irish republican paramilitary organization founded to remove Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom by force of arms and political persuasion. After the 30 years of violence, IRA abandoned their armed campaign because of following reasons:
- IRA army council wanted to win its freedom campaign with democratic and peace paths.
- Pressure from Britain and other countries.
On 28 July 2005, IRA army council announced to end its armed campaign following announcement:
- IRA members will dump their weapon.
- IRA will never engage in “any other activities” except “the development of political and democratic programs”.
Furthermore, to seize its arms beyond use and to enhance public confidence, the IRA organization authorized its representatives to engage immediately with the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD).
Hence, on 25 September 2005, the disarmament process of the IRA completed. Under the IICD Chairman John de Chastelain, all arms had been “put beyond use”. Thus it was a significant and vital step towards the path of peace.